
Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals (DP-900) All-in-One Practice Exams


  • 500+ Practice Exam Questions
  • Unlimited Retakes
  • Self-Paced Practice Exams ā€“ Simulators (DP-900)
  • 100% coverage of the Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals (DP-900)Ā exam objectives
  • Simulator access will be valid for life
Purchase this item and get 150 Points - a worth of $5.00




This exam is an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of core data concepts and related Microsoft Azure data services. As a candidates for this exam, you should have familiarity with Exam DP-900ā€™s self-paced or instructor-led learning material.

This exam is intended for you, if youā€™re a candidate beginning to work with data in the cloud.

You should be familiar with:

  • The concepts of relational and non-relational data.
  • Different types of data workloads such as transactional or analytical.

You can use Azure Data Fundamentals to prepare for other Azure role-based certifications like Azure Database Administrator Associate or Azure Data Engineer Associate, but it is not a prerequisite for any of them.