
AWS Certified Data Engineer – Associate (DEA-C01) All-in-One Practice Exams


  • 550+ Practice Exam Questions
  • Unlimited Retakes
  • Self-Paced Practice Exams – Simulators (DEA-C01)
  • 100% coverage of the AWS Certified Data Engineer – Associate (DEA-C01) exam objectives
  • Simulator access will be valid for life
Purchase this item and get 150 Points - a worth of $5.00




The AWS Certified Data Engineer – Associate (DEA-C01) exam validates a candidate’s ability to implement data pipelines and to monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize cost and performance issues in accordance with best practices.

The exam also validates a candidate’s ability to complete the following tasks:

• Ingest and transform data, and orchestrate data pipelines while applying programming concepts.
• Choose an optimal data store, design data models, catalog data schemas, and manage data lifecycles.
• Operationalize, maintain, and monitor data pipelines. Analyze data and ensure data quality.
• Implement appropriate authentication, authorization, data encryption, privacy, and governance. Enable logging.