
Cisco CCNA (200-301) All-in-One Practice Exams


  • 500+ Practice Exam Questions
  • Unlimited Retakes
  • Self-Paced Practice Exams ā€“ Simulators (200-301)
  • 100% coverage of the Cisco CCNA (200-301)Ā exam objectives
  • Simulator access will be valid for life
Purchase this item and get 150 Points - a worth of $5.00




CCNA 200-301 is the new industry standard networking certification for network administrators, network support engineers, and data center operations. Cisco CCNA 200-301 is a 120-minute exam associated with the CCNA certification. This exam tests a candidate’s knowledge and skills related to network fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, IP services, security fundamentals, and automation and programmability. The course, Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions (CCNA), helps candidates prepare for this exam.

The modules comprised in CCNA 200-301 curriculum include:

  • Network FundamentalsĀ ā€“ routers, switches, cabling, TCP and UDP, IPv4 and IPv6
  • IP ConnectivityĀ ā€“ IP routing, OSPFv2
  • IP ServicesĀ ā€“ NTP, DHCP, QoS, SNMP
  • Security FundamentalsĀ ā€“ VPNs, wireless security, port security
  • Network AccessĀ ā€“ VLANs and trunking, EtherChannel
  • Automation and ProgrammabilityĀ ā€“ REST APIs, Puppet, Chef, JSON, SDN